Community sport funding in the south-east
Rachel Payne MP asked a constituency question regarding funding for improvements to Cranbourne’s Lawson Poole Reserve, home to the Lynbrook Falcons.
Rachel Payne MP asked a constituency question regarding funding for improvements to Cranbourne’s Lawson Poole Reserve, home to the Lynbrook Falcons.
Wednesday the 11th of September 2024 Victorian Legislative Council Rachel PAYNE (South-Eastern Metropolitan): My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Mental Health. This year there have been multiple reports in Victoria and across Australia of people consuming synthetic opioids, at times without their knowledge…
Tuesday the 10th of September 2024 Victorian Legislative Council RACHEL PAYNE (South-Eastern Metropolitan): My question is for the Minister for Government Services Minister Williams in the other place. Recent reports that this government is investigating the potential privatisation of Births, Deaths and Marriages Victoria are deeply alarming….
Wednesday the 11th of September, 2024 Victorian Legislative Council RACHEL PAYNE (Member for South-Eastern Metropolitan): I rise to make a contribution to motion 527 in my own name. I move: That this house: (1) notes that the continued prohibition of cannabis forces thousands of Victorians through…
On Tuesday the 27th of August 2024, Rachel Payne, Member for South-Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne, presented her contribution to the Justice Legislation Amendment (Integrity, Defamation and Other Matters) Bill 2024 on behalf of Legalise Cannabis Victoria.
On Thursday the 29th of August, Rachel Payne MP asked a constituency question to the Minister for Mental Health, Minister Stitt, regarding a lack of affordable mental health services in Cranbourne.
On Tuesday 27th of August 2024, Rachel Payne, member for South-Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne, made her contribution to the tabling of the government’s workplace drug testing report.
Rachel Payne MP raised a question without notice to the Minister for Equality, on the failure of the census to adequately identify and include LGBTIQA+ Australians, and the potential impact of this on policy and service provision.
Rachel Payne, member for South-Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne, gave her member’s statement, thanking Frankston Hospital for the exceptional care of her unwell staff member.
On Thursday the 15th of August, Rachel Payne MP addressed a constituency question around safety issues at a train station in her electorate, to the Minister for Public and Active Transport.