Inquiry into Workplace Drug Testing in Victoria
On Tuesday 27th of August 2024, Rachel Payne, member for South-Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne, made her contribution to the tabling of the government’s workplace drug testing report.
On Tuesday 27th of August 2024, Rachel Payne, member for South-Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne, made her contribution to the tabling of the government’s workplace drug testing report.
Rachel Payne, member for South-Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne, gave her member’s statement, thanking Frankston Hospital for the exceptional care of her unwell staff member.
Rachel Payne MP presented a Notice of Motion on Wednesday 31st of July, 2024. On behalf of Legalise Cannabis Victoria, Rachel moved that medicinal cannabis patients who test positive for THC at roadside drug tests, are permitted a legal defence.
Rachel Payne MP gives her Member’s Statement at Victorian Parliament, highlighting the correlation between sporting events and an increase in gendered violence.
Rachel Payne gave her Members Statement about the efforts needed to reduce the violence harms against women in Victoria.
Rachel Payne gave their members statement after attending the Shelia’s Shakedown event.
Rachel Payne spoke during the debate on the opposition’s motion calling for a referral to the Ombudsman to review the hiring of Jeroen Weimar.
Rachel Payne gave her members statement on her attendance at the Casey Rainbow Community picnic.
Rachel Payne spoke during the debate on a Notice of Motion “Cost of food and other essentials set by supermarkets”.
Rachel Payne gave a Members Statement asking questions that have arisen after meeting with community members.