Chelsea Station barrier fence is an accident waiting to happen
South-eastern Metro MP Rachel Payne has joined residents in calling for the new metal barrier at Chelsea Station to be dismantled because of its potential danger to pedestrians.
Action needed to control one million invasive boneseed shrubs in Lysterfield Park
Invasive boneseed shrubs are attacking Lysterfield Park – Friends of Lysterfield Park and a South-East MP are calling for a control plan.
Allan govt must extend the Victorian Homebuyers Fund or more than half a million will miss out
Legalise Cannabis MP Rachel Payne is calling on the Allan government to extend the Victorian Homebuyers Fund because the Commonwealth Government’s proposed ‘Help to Buy’ scheme would exclude more than…
Free and frequent buses will convince the South-East to garage their cars: Legalise Cannabis Victoria
Rachel Payne MP from Legalise Cannabis Victoria, said Melbourne should be one of the world’s great public transport cities, instead use has crashed by 42 per cent from its peak in…
Transgender Day of Remembrance
Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR) is observed annually on the 20th of November. On this internationally recognised date, we honour the memories of trans and gender-diverse individuals who have lost…
Capsicum spray for personal protection is not the solution
Rachel Payne MP presented her contribution to a motion which proposed the legal use of capsicum spray for personal protection. Stating that violence is preventable rather than inevitable, Rachel explains…
Rise in family violence intervention order breaches
Given the alarming increase in repeat-offenders breaching family violence intervention orders, Rachel Payne MP presented an adjournment matter to the Minister for Prevention of Family Violence. Rachel called on the…
Restore pedestrian access to Rowville trail
On behalf of a Rowville constituent, Rachel Payne MP called on the Minister for Water to restore a walking trail near a Melbourne Water owned detention basin. This trail provided…