23 Feb 2023
Victorian Legislative Council, Melbourne

Rachel Payne MLC – South-Eastern Metropolitan Region

My adjournment matter is for the Treasurer and relates to the funding of two unique programs operated by TaskForce in my electorate, U-Turn and Living Free. U-Turn is a men’s behaviour change program for first-time family violence perpetrators where alcohol or a drug was involved. It is a group-based behaviour change program that is delivered from Moorabbin and has been abundantly successful. Living Free is a multisectoral response that supports young girls at risk, who have been reported missing or who are at risk of justice system contact and women aged 18 to 30 who are already in contact with the justice system. This program just works, with an incredibly low 11 per cent recidivism rate for women who engage in the holistic long-term case management it provides. The action I seek is a simple one: that the Treasurer give due consideration to funding these life-changing and potentially life-saving programs as part of the forthcoming state budget.

Written Answer
Received: 17 April 2023
Hon Tim Pallas MP
(Treasurer, Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for Economic Growth)

Thank you for your question regarding the U-Turn and Living Free programs.

Funding is considered as part of the broader 2023-24 budget process. As with all budget determinations, competing priorities for the use of the Government’s limited resources will be assessed in the best interests of the Victorian community, with decisions announced on budget day.


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