Frankston Freeway has become a rubbish dumping ground, MP demands a clean up
Legalise Cannabis MP Rachel Payne is calling for a clean-up of the Frankston Freeway, where old mattresses and furniture have been dumped among the weeds.
Legalise Cannabis MP Rachel Payne is calling for a clean-up of the Frankston Freeway, where old mattresses and furniture have been dumped among the weeds.
Rachel asked for a government commitment to maintaining the cleanliness of Frankston freeway.
Rachel Payne MP asked her constituency question to the Minister for Roads and Transport. Rachel echoed the sentiments of many local Chelsea residents in requesting practical changes be made to the Chelsea station pedestrian crossing for better accessibility.
On Tuesday 28th of May, Rachel Payne MP asked a question on notice to the Minister for Police around road fatalities, including statistics on drug and alcohol concentration for ‘at fault’ drivers.
On Tuesday 28th of May, Rachel Payne MP addressed a question on notice to the Minister for Corrections (for the Minister for Police), requesting statistics on roadside drug tests performed by Victoria Police.
Rachel Payne asked the government a question on behalf of a constituent about the need for a safety upgrade of Stud Road in Dandenong North after another pedestrian death.
Rachel asks the Minister for Roads and Road Safety about funding the construction of a signaled intersection in Stud Rd to Dandenong Stadium.
Rachel endorses the Legalise Cannabis Victoria’s the Road Safety Amendment (Medicinal Cannabis) Bill 2023 to the House.