2nd of May, 2024
Victorian Legislative Council, Melbourne

RACHEL PAYNE (South-Eastern Metropolitan) Substantive Question: My question is for the Minister for Health, Minister Thomas in the other place. Recommendation 9.1 of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse acknowledged the need for integrated services for children and adults who experienced childhood sexual abuse in institutional contexts. In the last Parliament a petition was tabled calling for evidence-based services for child sexual abuse survivors. It noted that the organisations cited in the government’s response to the work that they have done on this recommendation do not even offer these services. So, my question is: will the minister commit to working with their federal counterparts to action piloting accessible and integrated service systems in Ballarat and the bayside communities of Melbourne consistent with the petition and the royal commission?

Substantive Question – Verbal response
Thank you, Ms Payne, for that question, and I will refer it to the Minister for Health for a written response in accordance with the standing orders.

Supplementary question 
Thank you, Minister, for the referral. By way of supplementary, we know that lived experience in policy design and implementation is not only important but essential to achieving better outcomes. Lived experience informed recommendation 9.1 of the royal commission and the existing national minimum practice standards. Will the minister commit to meeting with this community group of survivors, family members and supporters to co-design how already identified solutions for the better provision of appropriately funded and accessible wellbeing, recovery and healing services are implemented?

Supplementary question – verbal response 
Thank you, Ms Payne. I will also refer your supplementary question to the minister for a written response.

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