23 March 2023, 9:52
Victoria Legislative Council, Melbourne

Rachel PAYNE (South-Eastern Metropolitan):

Last week Melbourne hosted Australia’s largest medical cannabis conference, ACannabis, attended by over 500 delegates. We heard from medical professionals, researchers, manufacturers, producers, cultivators, regulators and patients. While the medicinal cannabis industry has only been in existence for six years, it is growing swiftly. The expected growth of the industry in Australia is a whopping 35 per cent.

Driving laws were the biggest barrier raised again and again at the conference. The research presented shows that the laws do not reflect the reality of medicinal cannabis medicine and how it is used. In fact new research from the Lambert Initiative found that if taken orally, impairment could be measured for up to 8 hours after use. Biomarkers such as blood concentration were found not to be useful in detecting impairment. It was exciting to hear about the new research and the growing recognition of medicinal cannabis as medicine.


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