Rachel Payne: My vision for South-Eastern Metropolitan

“Representing the great people of South-Eastern Metropolitan Victoria is a dream come true. As your representative in Parliament, I am inspired by our community and I promise to fight for fairness, equality, accessibility, sustainability and opportunity with all of my compassion, care and ability.” 

About Rachel Payne

Rachel is a formidable addition to Parliament.

She holds a Master’s degree in Public Policy and qualifications in Sociology and Politics as well as extensive experience in leadership, advocacy and campaigning gained through executive, management, policy and research roles for organisations such as Eros Association, Family Court Australia and Centrelink.

Rachel is also an acclaimed performance artist, touring as Freckles Blue in Paris and London.

An advocate for women’s rights, equality, inclusivity, and social and community development, Rachel is also actively involved in the LGBTIQ+ community.

Rachel believes that cannabis law reform is well overdue. She is keen to drive the conversation around the role of cannabis as a catalyst for new economic opportunities, environmental ingenuity and creation.

Our latest news

Vicarious liability law reform is a matter of urgency

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Rachel asked the government to prioritise vicarious liability law reform as a matter of urgency. Rachel is advocating for reform to ensure that victim-survivors of historical child abuse can access…
Close-up of a cardboard sign 'Help' placed in a shopping cart with blankets.

Government action needed on housing crisis

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With housing affordability at a record low, Rachel noted a swell of Victorians calling for the declaration of a state of emergency. She asked if the Victorian government will commit…
Close-up of handcuffed hands under blue police light, signifying arrest or detention.

Evidence-based bail laws

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Rachel asked the Premier to ensure that any further review of Victoria’s bail laws be evidence-led. With bail law changes recently implemented in December 2024, Rachel noted that motivators for…
Close-up photo of hands gently holding marijuana buds, highlighting natural medicine.

Cannabis decriminalisation in the ACT

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Rachel spoke in parliament about a recent trip to Canberra to discuss the impacts of cannabis decriminalisation with stakeholders.


Current cannabis laws make criminals of ordinary Australian consumers and creates a huge illicit market.

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