Legalise Cannabis Party introduces Bill in three states 

Legalise Cannabis Party introduces Bill in three states 

For the first time in Australian legislative history, the same Bill will be introduced in three states on the same day by the Legalise Cannabis Party. The Regulation of Personal Adult Use of Cannabis Bill 2023 aims to legalise the personal consumption of cannabis in Victoria, New South Wales and Western Australia. 

Soccer players by Janosch Diggelmann

Eliminate gambling ads from sporting venues in Victoria.

On 30 May 2023, Rachel Payne MP from the Legalise Cannabis party will move to amend the Gambling Regulation Bill to extend static advertising rules to ban betting advertising at sporting grounds. The amendments will also clarify that a scoreboard at a ground is part of the static digital advertising to which that ban will apply. 

Rainbow Community Angels

Celebrating Rainbow Community Angels & IDAHOBIT 2023

On the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Transphobia and Intersexism (IDAHOBIT) Rachel rose in Parliament to pay homage to all of Victoria’s 79 councils for raising Pride Flags on IDAHOBIT and the Rainbow Community Angels proactive and positive response to the extremist actions hate speech leading up to this day.