21 March 2023, 12:51
Victorian Legislative Council, Melbourne
Rachel PAYNE (South-Eastern Metropolitan) (12:51):
My constituency question is for the Minister for Housing. My constituent is a university student currently seeking to move closer to her
campus in Dandenong to continue her studies. After two months of searching and competing with hundreds of low-income earners for rental properties, she has realised that the affordable rental situation is dire in Dandenong. She has stressed that she will either have to be pushed into accommodation she cannot realistically afford or, like some of her other student friends, have to commute for hours and hours daily from more affordable regional Victorian locations. She asks the minister: what steps are being taken to ensure that there is a steadier supply of affordable rental housing in the Dandenong area, particularly for students?
Written Answer
Received: 13 June 2023
Hon Colin Brooks MP
(Minister for Development Victoria, Minister for Precincts, Minister for Creative Industries)
I thank the Member for South Eastern Metropolitan region, for sharing her constituents’ circumstances. The Andrews Labor Government knows rental affordability is increasingly difficult for many renters.
This is why under the $5.3 billion Big Housing Build, the Andrews Labor Government is delivering the Affordable Housing Rental Scheme. The scheme is delivering 2,400 affordable homes, and aims to provide low to moderate income households who may be struggling in the private rental market with affordable, quality rentals that are conveniently located near shops, transport, and workplaces.
At least three of the proposed developments are within a 30-minute drive from Dandenong, with a range of one-, two- or three-bedroom affordable homes located in Blackburn, Ashburton and Mulgrave. Blackburn and Ashburton will be listed for rent in 2023 and Mulgrave in 2024.
These homes will support low to moderate income earners, including casual workers and students and provide long term security for Victorian renters with three years leases.