December 06 2023
The Weekly Times December 6th, 2023, Edition discusses the Hemp Industry’s potential in Gippsland.
December 06 2023
The Weekly Times December 6th, 2023, Edition discusses the Hemp Industry’s potential in Gippsland.
Rachel asks a question of the Minister for Agriculture, Gail Tierney relating to implementing a hemp industry grants scheme.
The Legalise Cannabis Party is calling on the Victorian government to support an industrial hemp bill that will help farmers and processors to expand their share of the $7 billion global hemp market – forecast to grow to $18.6 billion by 2027. Legalise Cannabis introduced…
A new Victorian report into workplace drug testing has found that employees prescribed medicinal cannabis have routinely lost their job or faced disciplinary action just for taking a legal medication – and the law must be amended to protect them.
On behalf of Legalise Cannabis Victoria, Rachel introduced a motion for a Parliamentary Inquiry into the potential for Industrial Hemp in Victoria.
29 February 2024 Legalise Cannabis Victoria welcomes the news that 80% of Australians believe the possession of cannabis should not be a criminal offence. The latest figures published today in the 2022-2023 National Drug Strategy Household Survey send a clear message that Australians accept the…
Rachel Payne MP from Legalise Cannabis Victoria, said Melbourne should be one of the world’s great public transport cities, instead use has crashed by 42 per cent from its peak in 2018.